Document Type : Research Article


Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Since smartphones are usually personal devices full of private information, they are a popular target for a vast variety of real-world attacks such as Code Reuse Attack (CRA). CRAs enable attackers to execute any arbitrary algorithm on a device without injecting an executable code. Since the standard platform for mobile devices is ARM architecture, we concentrate on available ARM-based CRAs. Currently, three types of CRAs are proposed on ARM architecture including Return2ZP, ROP, and BLX-attack in accordance to three sub-models available on X86. Ret2Libc, ROP, and JOP. In this paper, we have considered some unique aspects of ARM architecture to provide a general model for code reuse attacks called Patulous Code Reuse Attack (PCRA). Our attack applies all available machine instructions that change Program Counter (PC) as well as direct or indirect branches in order to deploy the principles of CRA convention. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach by defining five different sub-models of PCRA, explaining the algorithm of finding PCRA gadgets, introducing a useful set of gadgets, and providing a sample proof of concept exploit on Android 4.4 platform.


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