Document Type : Research Article


Faculty of Electrical Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


In this paper, we want to investigate classical-quantum multiple access wiretap channels (CQ-MA-WTC) under one-shot setting. In this regard, we analyze the CQ-MA-WTC using a simultaneous position-based decoder for reliable decoding and using a newly introduced technique to decode securely. Also, for the sake of comparison, we analyze the CQ-MA-WTC using Sen’s one-shot joint typicality lemma for reliable decoding. The simultaneous position-based decoder tends to a multiple hypothesis testing problem. Also, using convex splitting to analyze the privacy criteria in a simultaneous scenario becomes
problematic. To overcome both problems, we first introduce a new channel that can be considered as a dual to the CQ-MA-WTC. This channel is called a point-to-point quantum wiretap channel with multiple messages (PP-QWTC). In the following, as a strategy to solve the problem, we also investigate and analyze quantum broadcast channels (QBC) in the one-shot regime.


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